
Mentoring and Counseling

Mentoring and Counseling

Mentoring is a power free partnership between two individuals who desire mutual growth. One of the individuals usually has greater skills, experience and wisdom. The term “mentoring” is being used more widely now in our society and people are often encouraged to seek out a mentor. Mentor provides knowledge, experience or is simply a good listener. Mentors help the students to perform to the best of their capabilities. Their styles range from that of persistent encourager who helps one to build self-confidence, to that of a stern taskmaster who teaches to appreciate excellence in performance.  Whatever may be their style, they care about the one and what he/she is trying to do. They help someone to learn, sort out a problem or devise a plan.


After joining the Professional course, students face pressures, which may be academic, personal, or career related. At times they may feel stressed and interfering in their pursuits. There is cross cultural, neo-ethnic convergence, increasing academic competition, Peer pressure, unique adolescent problems, mounting career demand, etc. among the student community. To prevent student going through these stress factors and to help them overcome the above mentioned problems, the Local Mentor and counselor system are implemented in the College where in a teacher acts as Local Mentor and counselor to an allocated group of students. Each teacher helps the students to cope up academically, give personal Counselling, extend career guidance, support co-curricular activities, co-ordinate welfare activities, interact with their parents, seek student’s involvement in pursuit of college vision and objectives and establish healthy, co-operative and academic ambience in the College.

Main objectives:

  1. To identify specific needs of the student Community– Academic, Personal, Adjustment related, Career and provide Counselling and remedies.
  2. To identify specific needs of Overseas Students–Academic, Personal, Socio-cultural adjustment and provide Counselling and Remedies.


  1. The Mentor shall interact with his / her group of students regularly.
  2. The Mentor shall counsel his/her group as per Do’s and Don’ts.
  3. To initiate bridge, remedies and Enrichment Program for academically weak (slow learners), and advanced students.
  4. To maintain complete personal data of students and their performance progress.
  5. To address various Department related group problems and performances.
  6. To periodically interact with parents as to their wards performance.
  7. To send the Students progress data once in three months to the Co-ordinator of Local Mentorship Program in the prescribed Students Progress Report format.
  8. To maintain a register of all interactions and functions carried out with details.
Do’s for Mentors Don’ts for Mentors
  1. Fix time of Meeting and meet periodically.
  2. Know Academic requirements – Help them.
  3. Know Personal requirements – Counsel them.
  4. Know Career & Higher Education requirements – Guide them.
  5. Know Financial / Welfare requirements – Co-ordinate & Direct them.
  6. Know their Parents / Guardians – Interact with them.
  7. Know College Objective & Goals – convey to Students & Seek their role.
  8. Know College Activities – seek their Involvement.
  9. For a change – Organize Excursion.
  10. With Student, help establish Healthy, Co-operative, Academic ambience in the College.
  1. Not to call Students to your Home.
  2. Meetings to be held only in College Premises.
  3. Not to involve in Student’s Examinations.
  4. Not to dictate – rather facilitate.
  5. Not to use them for Personal Work.
  6. Not to thrust anything upon Students. give only what they want only if possible.
  7. Not to do any activities – without prior permission of the Dean.

Responsibilities of the Mentor:

  1. Mentors help improve a student's self-esteem Responsibilities of the Mentor.
  2. Mentors provide their mentees with an experienced friend who is there to help in any number of situations.
  3. Mentors help their mentees to cope up with the challenges in the professional course opted for, and improve their academic skills.
  4. Mentors help young people set career goals and take steps to realize them.

Responsibilities of the Mentee:

  1. Mentee should meet their mentor on regular basis.
  2. Mentee should respect and follow the instructions / advices given by the mentors.
Year & Branch Student Regd.No Name of the Faculty (Sec-A) Name of the Faculty (Sec-B)
I Year B. Pharmacy 01 – 20 -- --
21 – 40 -- --
41 – 60 -- --
61 – 80 -- --
II Year B. Pharmacy 01 – 20 -- --
21 – 40 -- --
41 – 60 -- --
61 – 80 -- --
III Year B. Pharmacy 01 – 20 -- --
21 – 40 -- --
41 – 60 -- --
61 – 80 -- --
IV Year B. Pharmacy 01 – 20 -- --
21 – 40 -- --
41 – 60 -- --
61 – 80 -- --