Students are always required to observe order and silence in the college especially during working hours. |
Students are forbidden to take any active part in political agitation against the authority |
Students are prohibited from organizing any meeting or entrainment at the college by collecting money for any purpose, within the college premises, without the permission of the authority. |
Students are forbidden to circulate any notice or petition of any kind, affix posters, display materials and other articles on the walls of the college building and its premises without prior permission |
Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus is considered as criminal offence and any one found indulging in ragging in any form shall be expelled from the institution as per 1998 THE KERALA PROHIBITION OF RAGGING ACT, (ACT 10) |
Mobile phone is strictly banned in the campus. Teachers can snatch such mobile phones in case of violation |
Proper waste management must be practiced by utilizing the waste bins and napkins burners is the responsibility of each and every person inside the campus. |
Misusing social media or other media to cause disgrace to the institution by any student or any person will attract legal and disciplinary action |
Mass bunking of the class is an offence, will take a tion against any such act from the side of students |
Minimum academic days fixed by the approving authorities do not mean that working days shall not exceed the number. All colleges will make attempt to avail maximum number of working days to make sure, excellent quality for the course transacted |
All the students shall make the annual fee payment in the first day of June every academic year. The college will not be responsible for delay in starting next academic year classes due to the delay in the conduct of annual exam by university. |
Delay in fee payment will attract fine |
At all times, students should carry themselves in a manner befitting their professional education. |
In case of any stressful situations, the students can contact Students counselors specially trained for this purpose by the University. |
Students are expected to wear a near and clean uniform along with identity cards. |
Students must wear a clean and neat apron and have their prescribed laboratory records nd accessories for attending the practical classes. |
Students are advised to check the college notice board daily. |
Students who bring their Tiffin from home can utilize the class rooms allotted to them fro having it. |
Laboratories, verandas and stair cases should not be used for food consumption |
Outsiders are not allowed to visit the students without prior permission from the principal |
Students can utilize the internet only for academic purpose. Misuse of Internet facility may attract servere penal actions. |